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Meet Dr. W. Gregory Capps

Dr. W. Gregory Capps adjusting neckMany years ago, my uncle was involved in a serious accident, which left him blind. After visiting numerous specialists over a six month period, he was told nothing could be done. As a last resort, he visited a local chiropractor. After a series of spinal adjustments, during a one month period, my uncle’s sight was restored completely.

Impressed with my uncle’s recovery, our family would consult this chiropractor for all our health needs. Having grown up visiting this chiropractor regularly, I chose my career path early in life. My mother says I proclaimed my plans before I entered first grade.

Chiropractic Education

I chose to attend National College of Chiropractic on the advice of our family chiropractor. The professors there dedicate their lives to the most thorough chiropractic education available. Perfection became the goal of every student, as our life became dedicated to the great healing powers that were taught to us.

My Philosophy

Every patient is examined and addressed in all systems of their body rather than simply their chief complaint. This ensures the best management of their complete health. My greatest reward is to help people achieve better health after years of suffering.

On a Personal Note

My wife, Virginia, is a physical therapist. She and I share very interesting conversations about unique cases. We stimulate one another in furthering our educational pursuits.

Virginia and I enjoy working in our yard. We have immense pleasure in growing much of our own vegetables, berries and fruits. Preserving our produce gives us satisfaction of knowing by our own hands we provide better nutritious food for our family and neighbors.

Another pleasure we enjoy is traveling and exploring nature. We especially enjoy the many museums of our vacation sites. The summer months gives us opportunity for outside events, in particular, our fondness for watching baseball games.

We have two daughters. Tamara, the eldest, has her Masters in Education. She excels as a soccer player. She is also showing a talent in the oil paintings she has produced. She currently resides in Tennessee.

Monica has her BA in nursing and lives in Texas with her husband and son. Much of her summer time is in other countries teaching the Holy Bible and giving testimony.

Although I am very healthy, I receive regular chiropractic adjustments to maintain an optimum state of health. My diet is pescatarian, which is vegetarian with inclusion of fish. My wife and I enjoy our evening exercise of walking, stretching, swimming, and light weight lifting. Our daughters are in team sports and appreciate healthy eating. As a result of our health consciousness, we have very little need of medications. We all appreciate the benefits of chiropractic adjustments.

Visit Capps Chiropractic Clinic Today!

Thanks for visiting our site. I hope you are ready for a healthier lifestyle. We will listen to all your concerns and problems to make sure a perfect plan is designed for all your health needs.

Give our Roanoke chiropractic office a call and learn more about what Capps Chiropractic Clinic can do for you. I look forward to meeting you.


Dr. W. Gregory Capps | (540) 362-3700